Monday, 6 April 2015

Death destroys You?

I frowned as my mobile screen flashed ‘Game over’,  I  needed just one extra life to complete my game. Noticing at my sullen look, my friends snatched my mobile and advised me to get some fresh air and enjoy the surroundings.
We were strolling along the pavement of the liveliest street in the city-Marine Drive. It was a Saturday night, around midnight but still the noise of cars and taxis hooting, or of scooters  flying past was deafening. We sat down on a bench trying to figure out what to do next.
I was observing the scene of number of vehicles zooming past or crawling along when caught at traffic lights. In the hustle & bustle ,I saw an unusual, majestic vehicle approaching in the picture. Noticing it further , I gasped,” It’s a Vintage! Rolls-Royce Vintage!” That was a real blast from the past. The world around me suddenly came to a halt.
Let’s put few seconds back on the clock; Since early 1900s production of this car has been stopped along with other Fords and Fiats which were ubiquitous at that time. But instead of being completely wiped out and getting buried in timeline, this distinctive, peerless, exotic piece of metal lived. Maybe because it had some unique, uncommon character in it.
Like this uncommon man, R.K. Laxman, famous for his acerbic cartoons lampooning political figures. R.K. Laxman epitomized the true way to express satire- inclusive, unoffensive, bold, realistic and simplistic.His work spanning over six decades,put his best foot forward. He chronicled the fortunes and mannerisms of India in a witty ,sarcastic way.
Stepping outside the boundaries, Michele Ferrero was the richest and most popular man in Italy.He was the owner of global chocalate empire. The Chocolate Man created happiness also known as Nutella and Ferrero Rocher.  His hardwork, determination and innovation kept the chocolate-hungry- world alive and happy.
Parallely my ardour towards cars, make me think about this prominent Hollywood actor Paul Walker. Paul Walker was an American actor, who came into fame in movies like Varsity Blues, and became well known for his starring in Fast and Furious series. Though not much he have contributed selectively and significantly to the film industry,leaving behind many die hard fans.
He may have died now, but he is still remembered by his astounding movies. His co-star Vin Diesel named his baby Pauline, after Paul Walker and claims tha he still feels his presence today. Everytime I unwrap Ferrero Rocher, I thank that legend Michele Ferrero. Some of the R.K. Laxman’s cartoons out of 1960s and 1970s would be alive and meaningful if produced today without date. They were timeless. Though these people are dead now, they would still be alive in our memories.
Which brings me back to this Rolls Royce vintage which was charging out of the picture as the signal turned green. Though its technology have died a century before, it still creates lasting impressions on thousands of minds.

It's not about just coming on this road called “Life” and passing by; Its about coming here, leaving your mark as you pass , its about adding that extra life to your life .This is your last chance to make sure you live after you die. The GAME IS ON!